Mapping the Fretboard (part 2)

Steve with guitar yellow. jpg.jpeg
Steve with guitar yellow. jpg.jpeg

Mapping the Fretboard (part 2)


Now only available through

  • 8 one-hour classes, twice a week ($22.50 per class)

  • Taught in a live, interactive classroom setting via Zoom

  • Thursdays and Sundays, 5:30-6:30pm (PST). October 1st-25th.

  • Enrollment ends Wednesday, September 30th at 5pm (PST)

For players who feel fairly competent playing up and down the neck and want to increase their fluidity, this class explores alternate pathways through the CAGED system, diatonic modes, and triadic voice leading, as well as how to apply this information to improvising over chord changes.

Topics Covered Include:

  • Major and minor pentatonic scales

  • Alternate pathways through the CAGED system

  • Diatonic modes

  • Open and close voicing major and minor triads

  • Alternate pathways through diatonic modes: 3 notes per string

  • Improvising with diatonic modes on a single string.

  • Major and minor 3 octave arpeggios.

  • Improvising over chord changes.

Sign up with a friend and you’ll both receive a 20% discount! — Email me for the discount code.

Complete course syllabus delivered upon sign up. Feel free to email me with specific questions.

After two classes, if you feel the course is not a good fit for any reason, you are welcome to a refund on the rest of that month’s classes.

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About Mapping the Fretboard (part 2)